Social on Social is a curated feed of speculative social-impact projects from different makers in various disciplines. It is designed to be a welcome, thought-provoking break from regular social media content. The acronym is a play on the morse-code distress signal 'SOS'—Social on Social or alternatively Save our Society. The design is candid but distinct, using simple quirks to remain unique.  See SOS on Instagram here.

The space attempts to utilise the Instagram platform to the best of its ability in a unique and efficient manner. A simple numerical and colour cataloguing system is employed for ease of use. Each project is advertised in the feed and exposed in the story highlights. This allows the space to be navigated effectively while encouraging users to digest the full project and participate in interactive aspects. The space posts every Sunday, the pensive day of rest.

Instagram was strategically chosen to home SOS as it fulfils the needs of presenting text, image, motion and interactive elements—whilst already being an application used by many. SOS invites users to participate through posed questions, polls and debates. Participation is as simple as tapping and typing. Feedback is always shared back with each featured maker—proposing to form links between diverse thinkers and stimulate growth for future concepts. The intended audience is not solely restricted to makers working within the social impact field, SOS aims to expose these mindsets to everyone—keeping with the established short-form content found on Instagram, the space maintains digestible posts.